♪ i am going to pee my pants ♪

do follow if!

we share similar interests!


tbh idk, if you wanna follow me then go ahead, can't stop ya :)

don't follow if!

you fit basic dnfi criteria (homophobic, racist, transphobic, etc.)

you support or participate in ddlg/cgl

you're a fujoshi

you use he/him for arashi

before you follow!

not a lot?? i just talk abt my fave idol characters :)

i make somewhat dark jokes, but it's all satire! and i dont say things that i know make people uncomfy

i use slurs i can reclaim

for instagram: if you want tags, just dm i'll write it down so i remember :)


this is really only for instagram :)

the password is "trans rights are human rights"!

wanna read a better version of this? go to my carrd.

that was fun! let's do it again.